Saturday, August 08, 2009

Locked Up

These are a few photos from my Tuesday visit to the new Law Enforcement Center in Scott City, Kansas. The new building houses the Scott City Police, Sheriffs Department, Emergency Management and the jail. Apparently the old facility was in much need of replacement- it started out as a Sheriff's house, which had a jail built on and was added onto ever and over. The new building is outfitted with state of the art technology and we did a story detailing the features of this new facility. The most interesting part for me was the jail. It was divided into different pods containing separate cells for prisoners as well as a small recreation yard and interconnecting hallways. Everything is compartmentalized with locking doors and glass everywhere. When a prisoner is walking in a hallway, the next door is never opened until the last one is locked. Prisoners buzz a button to open doors and move about their space, everything being controlled by one jailer watching over it all. It seemed to be a pretty nice place, complete with lots of Healthy Choice frozen dinners. Still, it's not a place I'd really like to spend too much time.

Thanks for looking,

1 comment:

Erica Magda said...

Nice job with the lighting. I really like the last one.