Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Preparing for Our Lady of Guadalupe

Today I made pictures of dancers preparing for the Mexican celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe. This group practices in a vacant store building on 4th Ave. in Moline. They ran extension cords from a neighboring building to power a small space heater and two light bulbs. It's amazing how people can turn a building with no heat or electricity into a culturally-rich space filled with music and dance. These are a few outtakes, but I'll be building an audio slide show in the next few days and I'll definitely update when that's done.

It's assignments like this that make all the product shots for the ad department and cheesy parades worth getting through. Here's the slide show I did for the paper. I took audio too but sadly didn't have enough time to get that in.


Erica Magda said...

The first one is really nice. I wish that other bimbo wasn't in there. Still nice colors.

Roxana said...

i can has more?