Monday, November 14, 2005

St. Louis/My Birthday

So this weekend Alex and I visited Megan at Wash U in St. Louis. It was pretty sweet. We got in around 9:15 on Friday night and we went out and got some food. Afterwords we chilled in her room and played some games and hung out and such. We were kinda tired so we went to bed. Their dorms are in suites with a common room in each- they are really nice. Also the food in their dining hall plans is amazing compared to Bromley Hall... ugh. On Saturday (my birthday- I'm 20 now) we got up and went to the Zoo in the morning with Megan and her roomate. We brought a picnic lunch and ate it there. So that was cute. Then we went to the Galleria- this huge mall. We hung out at Megans dorm for awhile and then Megan had to work at 6:30 so Alex and I went to the loop and I got some presents for Garrett's birthday. It's a pretty sweet area with lots of cool stores and places to eat and such. After Megan got off work, we went out to eat to this good Italian place with Megan, her roomate, and one of her suitemates. We picked up some cake and then went back to Megan's. We ate the cake and watched a movie and then hung out for awhile. It was a pretty sweet birthday- and it seemed like a far more adult-like birthday then I've ever had before... zany. On Sunday we slept in and then went to brunch with Megan before we drove back. It was a very nice weekend. Now I'm waiting around until the mail room opens up in Bromley so I can get my present from Mom and Dad...
So all in all... happy birthday to me...

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