Tuesday, July 12, 2005

"Back when you're a kid, you never think to yourself- I want to grow up to be a janitor." I think that would be a sweet first line to a book or something. I don't really know what it would be about but I want to be able to produce something creative from my summer working as a janitor. It pretty much sucks but we're pretty lazy so that isn't bad. I get in few minutes after 6 am every morning and then most days we watch the news for about a half hour before actually starting work. We take a lot of breaks and lately I've been watching an episode and a half of Star Trek on channel 33 every day on my lunch break. Maybe in the book the main character (who would be mostly based on me except without any prospects of getting out of being a janitor for the rest of his life) could go on some kind of emotional journey as he is stripping a floor. Every layer of wax that gets stripped off could be a metaphor for a year of his life spent in his dead end job and once he finally reaches the tile underneath- he makes a self discovery. Never mind. I like the first line though...

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