On Thursday I went out to cover the last of the wheat harvest in this part of Kansas. Basically my editor gave me the keys to a car and said to drive west until I found some combines cutting wheat. Since it had rained the night before we figured I'd have to drive fairly far to find something, however, within just a few miles of leaving the city limit, I came upon a group of guys cutting wheat and loading trucks. They were extremely nice about letting me shoot- they were all for me taking a ride in one of the combines and climbing up onto a semi as the grain cart deposited its load. Then I hung around until they were finished and shot the guys cleaning off the combines. It was an excellent day and I definitely increased my tan at the same time. Since I've been here it's been nothing but sunny with highs in the 90s and 100s.
More to come soon,
So you did make it in time for the harvest. Excellent. And great textures! Ha. I really like the dangly-wheat shot. With the dude cleanin' the combine.
love the updates patty. esp the urbana ones. your girlfriend is pretty. i like her ring. i miss urbana. i am kind of scared of the dead owl. kansas scares me in general. love always.
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