Elected in 1967, Darrell Pope of Hutchinson, is the longest serving NAACP branch president in the country. He was recently honored for his service at the 100th anniversary convention of the NAACP in New York where he met President Barack Obama.
I had the pleasure of making a portrait of Mr. Pope the other day for a front page centerpiece on his accomplishments for the Saturday, July 25th edition of the Hutch News. The page designer Lucas and I talked beforehand about the photo and everything came together for a really great front page lead-in for an awesome story. I've done plenty of studio photography before, but this was the first time I'd tried using a snoot to light only part of a subjects face to give some really dramatic light. Usually I'm out in nature or some poorly lit room trying to never use flash so it was cool to be able to be in control of everything in the studio for a change.
Thanks for looking,
1 comment:
this photo makes me want to meet that man, says to me: this dude is a badass. great light.
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