Wednesday, May 06, 2009

First Impressions

I've been hanging out with Brad in Hutchinson, KS for the last few days. I'll put up more photos soon, but here are a few of my first impressions of the place. It really struck me how everything is so open under the huge Kansas sky and so these are a few shots trying to capture that feeling.


Garrett said...

photos really gave me that longing feeling of anytown america. really liked the picture of the omnitower in the middle of the Windows-wallpaper-esque field photo. seems like there's lots of fields to explore down ol' kansas way. who knows, you might find an ear in some backwoods.

brad said...

'just making photos man'

Roxana said...

some of them aren't showing up for me patty. :( :( :(

jealous of your picture making time with brad.

Erica Magda said...

cool pat.